Changes in Coonoor tea sale plan
The schedules of the auctions of Coonoor Tea Trade Affiliation (CTTA) have undergone additional alterations. The Sale No: 13, which was scheduled to be held on March 26 and 27, was held on April twenty. The CTTA experienced introduced that Sale No: 14 to 17 would be dropped and Sale No: eighteen would be held on April 29 as a single auction for Leaf and Dust.
“However, we have now made a decision to split Sale No: eighteen into two times. Therefore, the Leaf auction will be executed from eight.thirty am to 1.thirty pm on April 29. The Dust auction will be held from eight.thirty am to 11.14 am on April thirty,” CTTA Vice-Chairman L Vairavan told BusinessLine on Friday evening.
“We have also made a decision to abide by the standard auction plan from Sale No: 19. Appropriately, for that sale, the Leaf auction will be held on May well seven and Dust auctions on May well eight,” Vairavan disclosed.